
"We're Off to See the Wizard...."

If you are a first grade educator in Georgia and you teach ELA, then you are probably familiar with the Common Core Units created last year that included "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz." If you are teaching this year, then you probably have seen completely new units offered for first grade students.

Because I believe in teaching the standard and not necessarily tying it to the text...as the units states you can....I decided to continue with "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" this year and not get into the new text. Instead of throwing the baby out with the bathwater....I decided to add to my current resources and continue the journey down the yellow brick road!

One of the activities I added this year is a word order sentence scramble. Students will work with a buddy to unscramble the words to make a complete, correct sentence. Then after they unscramble all 5 sentences, they can illustrate one of the sentences. I am feeling happy to share so see if you can use it in your classroom. I am using it in my literacy workstations for grammar.




Cut out the strip of words and punctuation.                        Glue the words into the correct sentence order.

Draw and color a picture to match one of the sentences. (Extension)

















Write your sentence and draw a picture to match it.








10 Little Ducks Went Out To Play......

Sooooo, a Common Core math standard says that students should be able to count to 120 from any number. How am I supposed to do this? Well, today I felt as though my math lesson tied one aspect of this together. It is only our first week of school...actually day 5! So I don't want to overwhelm some students and underwhelm others. I always try to think of how to integrate as many aspects to a lesson as possible. I also know that it is early in the year and I can't assume that all students can even count to 100, much less 120.

I believe that it is best to work with something students may already know, then expand on that. Most students can at least "sing" to 100, so I wanted to start with the basic counting by 10s.

I began the lesson with a spotlight on what standard we were working on. Then we stood up for a little music and movement courtesy of Have Fun Teaching. The Youtube videos on counting are GREAT! We did the Skip Counting By 10 Song - Beginner. Between the chorus of the song, we added in 110, 120 to the beat of the music.

Then we used dry erase markers, wipes, and 0-120 number charts in sleeve protectors to count and circle the numbers from 0-120 together.

Next, students heard the story 10 Little Rubber Ducks. After the story, students were give a page of blank little rubber ducks. I used the one below, but added more ducks to each sheet.

Students had to write the number 0-120 counting by 10s on the ducks. Here is how I differentiated the lesson. For students who needed help, they were allowed to use a 0-120 counting strip to help them fill in the numbers they needed help with. On level students were able to count from 0-120 independently. My more advanced students were able to extend their counting sequence with extra blank ducks. Students could then color the ducks yellow, cut the ducks out, and then glue them to a sheet of paper that they colored blue to mimic the ocean that the ducks from the story were floating in.
This lesson, was a little longer than one of my regular math lessons, and this is the type of lesson during the year, that I would usually reserve for a Friday, however I will probably be doing more of these lessons during the week because it really gave students many components. I also thought that next year to really tie it all together I would add a journal writing piece to the lesson to integrate writing in with the literacy piece. Below you can find samples of students' finished work. 
Before the work is displayed outside I will include teacher commentary and post the sign explaining the lesson and learning outcome.
This student completed the assignment 0-120 without assistance

This student extended the counting sequence to 140


This student required the use of the counting strip and extra guidance from the teacher


"Life is a Highway"

I know that I am not the only teacher with a race car inspired classroom, but I just wanted to share my take on it. Just as many other teachers use the race care theme, I also use it but I also integrate the lingo, visuals, and feeling in almost everything that I do.

My students are my drivers. Their desks are set up in lanes. They work as my Pit Crew. We even have "street signs" with The Seven Habits of Happy Kids. At the beginning if the school year I ask parents/guardians to fill out a "Driver Profile" about their child to give me their child's fav's.

I also love that my classroom appeals to not only boys but also girls and I enjoy being in the bright and fun space. I am happy to share my photos below. P.s. I am very happy about the way I covered my desk with white contact paper and race car checkered flag Duck Tape. It really gave it a fresh new look. The funny thing is is that like most teachers I hardly ever sit there!

Ting-a-ling-a-ling School Bell Rings!

In the words of one of my more memorable students after he returned from school...I'm back! It was a great summer and I created a lot of fun memories. However, I must admit, I didn't prep as much as I usually for the new school year. I took time and updated, refreshed, and cleared out a few of my older materials to make room for materials and ideas that will focus on Common Core!

I still have my beloved race car theme and I am very happy that more students were excited to enter my classroom.

For the past couple of years, along with my "Welcome to My Class Letter" to students, I have included a key labeled the "Key to Success" with my student's name. They bring the key to me and when they enter they go to their desk and exchange their key for some fun race car themed treats. The kids love it. Then their key is added to the classroom door. I love to see their faces as they hand me the key. It is as if they are entrusting me with the ability to motivate, educate, and protect them this school year.

This year I plan on getting a little more interactive in science and taking social studies into a more creative approach. So far, I have more time in my schedule to do just that so I am very excited. I plan to use Social Studies Weekly, the first grade Georgia edition. I also plan to bring in my iPad and put it to good use in the classroom.

I have also bought two more resources from one of my favorite shops, Lakeshore Learning.
I bought the Daily Common Core Comprehension Journal and will use these daily. I also bought Crayola erasable colored pencils for students to use with them. Just a little something to spark their interest and give them a change of pace from always using plain pencils.

I am also going to use the Number bond journals. I started off now, even though students haven't been introduced to subtraction, we are using them to find the missing addend and practice related facts. I am introducing problem solving this way with simple steps each day. The first day they listen to the math story and illustrate it. One the second day the fill in the number bond boxes after figuring out the number bond. We are working these out together. On the third day we fill in two of the related facts in the fact family. Then when we start subtraction, they will be able to go back and fill in the subtraction facts, thus extending the learning.

I plan to post at least once a week, and add more pictures this year. I am fully turned up and ready for a great year. I love that my county allows teachers to have a little fun. Check me out in the video below. This is right up my alley and why I love to "Teach to the Beat!" Have a Great School Year!
Footloose Teachers